Wine vs. Whiskey?
Wine, especially red wine, has been touted for decades to be a 'healthier drink' due to its high level of antioxidants, which have been shown to provide numerous health benefits, particularly for the cardiovascular system.
However, research has now revealed that whiskey contains at least an equal amount of similar antioxidant compounds, especially Ellagic acid and other polyphenols. In addition, there is ongoing research showing these antioxidant compounds are absorbed into the body at a higher rate when drinking whiskey compared to wine.
What does this mean? Presumably, that whiskey (particularly a single grain type) provides just as much, and likely more, of a health benefit than red wines. Go whiskey!
Disclaimer: This article should not be interpreted or used as medical advice. These are simply musings by our team based upon widely available research. Always consult a doctor before accepting health advice online.